Online Self-Growth Series
6 Foundation Pillars for Chnges
Live Zoom Mondays, 9/9 - 11/4
The teaching of Simplicity, Change, and original intention from I-Ching
Change is an opportunity for renewal and rebirth
The origin of change lies in what you can do for yourself
Why change is hard - To face change is to face choices and the unknown
It starts with a feeling- something needs to change
Practice observing and writing down your feelings and thoughts
Only in challenges can we grow
The distance between where you are and what you truly want
Everything has its cause and effect
Phenomenon Solution vs. Fundamental Solution
Practice seeing both sides of the mirror
Clarity comes from acceptance.
All results come from motivation - What makes you do what you do?
Reflect on the issues that trouble you
Pursuing joy vs. avoiding pain
Adjust your perspective
What makes you hesitate?
Fear of others' views, criticism, opinions, disapproval
Fear of losing
Fear of difficulties and hardship
The essence of doubt is self-protection
The state of life cannot be compared with others
Invest in yourself (growth mindset and learning new tools)
Believing in yourself is an incomparable power
You will benefit from the meeting and self-reflection practice if you are:
Interested in ancient Chinese philosophical concepts and studies such as Yin/Yang 陰陽 and the Five Elements 五行, and how they have an influence in your life. (Please fill out survey here)
Seeking a deeper understanding of yourself.
Willing to engage in self-reflection practice , open discussion, and sharing experiences to foster your personal growth.
Aiming to transform your life through a growth mindset and inner work to make the change you want to happen in your life.
Christy Lin
Christy was born and raised in Taiwan and moved to St. Louis in 2007 to pursue her dream of studying English and Art, and expand her world of view During her first year, she encountered numerous obstacles and setbacks that nearly made her give up. She frequently heard discouraging messages like, "You can't afford to get sick in America," and "If you can't drive, you won't survive here." Despite having the option to return home, Christy chose to focus on self-growth rather than succumb to fear and worry. She strived to become adaptable and transformable—like water—doing everything in her ability to adjust to her new environment. In this process, Christy discovered yoga and meditation, which became her essential self-care practices, teaching and giving her so much more than she asked for because everything is leading her to go inward where she realized the source of joy that is like a spring, refreshing and fulfilling.
The Six Pillars for Change Series includes:
You'll develop new cognitive abilities, learn to hear your thoughts, and feel more in tune with yourself.
You'll understand the connection between thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and outcomes so that you become more responsive than reactive.
You will have access to an online library and practice that will help you prepare before our live class.
This series includes 6 Zoom meetings (Monday, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, Chicago Time)
A free 30 mins phone call to discuss your session after you completed 6 Zoom meetings in Ocotber.
易經- I Ching. The Book of Change, is one of the oldest Chinese classics and contains thousands of years of wisdom, and it is a gift for humanity. The word “I” encompasses many meanings and teachings, including Simplicity, Change, and original intention. If you look at the Chinese character of “ 易”, the character on the top (日) signifies the sun, and the (月 )on the bottom represents the moon in ancient Chinese writing. The presence of the sun and moon creates time, leading to seasons. With seasons come changes. In the old days, our ancestors had to adapt to these changes to survive. However, we are here not just to survive but to live and thrive. Life has its ups and downs and unexpected turns. Learning how to adapt through the river of life like the water is important to realize. This is the first wisdom passed down from ancient Chinese future generations. The power of the sun translated to yang 陽, and the force of moon energy translated to yin 陰, those two energy can be separated, nor should they be. Imagine if dynamic yoga is Yang (the sun), then static meditation is Yin (the moon). Both practices are a part of you. Both qualities and abilities are within you. You are both Yin and Yang. You are not practicing yoga, you are yoga.
Through my teaching in the past 10 years, I deeply feel that most people carry tension both in their body and mind. The tightness that they feel in their joints and the endless thoughts in their mind that keep them in the loop, and contribute to restricting them from moving freely, both in the class and in their life. It is very often that one or two students would stay after the class, and share what happening in their lives with me. These conversations are so precious, and our interactions help me understand them better. Dynamic yoga practice can make a student feel stronger and more energetic, but having a great conversation with someone, especially during challenging times, is truly liberating!
Most people live a busy life, and many read self-help books or speak to specialists when they are going through some challenges in their life. Many of our students come across Eastern philosophy and Zen teaching, and develop great interest in them and often come to class with their books and questions! Their eagerness for self-growth and overcoming their own limitations is truly inspiring! However, I often found that many Eastern thought books, when translated into English, are either interpreted differently, misleading, or become further confuse the reader. However, reading books can definitely help us, but life itself has its own energy, and is always changing and evolving, how to adapt to the change in our life is what we are going to explore together.
My deepest desire is to create opportunities for social interaction, conversation, and learning with people on a similar path. I want to learn new perspectives for old problems and live beyond the thinking mind. Our meeting reminded us that we are social beings and don't have to solve all our problems alone! Together, we will cultivate strength and peace in a changing world. It brings me great joy to share my Eastern background of study and work with you; all my teaching is inspired from my study of the Book of Change .
The 6 Foundation Pillars for Changes is dedicated to everyone who is willing to persevere and strive for life!
Christy Lin
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1st Pillar - The Essence and Potential of Changes/ 2nd Pillar - Awareness - The Beginning of Change/ 3rd Pillar - Mirror Philosophy - Self-Reflection Practice/ 4th Pillar - Motivation - The Starting Point of Outcomes/ 5th Pillar - Encounter with Your Greatest Enemy - Fear/ 6th Pillar - Belief - Exercise Your Full Potential in Life.
Olga, Italy
Christy is a wonderful person! We met in Sicily in July 2024. I have always been passionate about China and Chinese culture. Talking with her, I shared some private details about my life to exchange life experiences, and she was very helpful! She is a competent and trained person. After the end of a very long relationship, I rebuilt my life and continue this change every day. While talking with Christy, she gave me many pieces of advice. I was very surprised when she talked about things as if she could read my mind. Christy is a very wise woman, and thanks to her, I understood better things that I hadn’t considered before. Thanks so much for your immense support!
Keller Ryan, Program Assistant
Christy Lin was a wonderful co-creative partner. Her website was helpful and informative, and she was open to curating a customized approach to our guided meditation sessions. Christy was responsive throughout the booking process; her proactive coordination style centered our staff and provided multiple opportunities for us to engage. Overall, it was excellent! Christy's energy, communication, and facilitation led to a truly enriching experience for our staff.